Filming The Deathly Hallows was scary..

Emma Watson has admitted being 'a bit scared' during the filming of the final installment of the Harry Potter Franchise, The Deathly Hallows II.

"It was a bit scary at times when all the fake bombs were going off as We didn't really have much training or much warning sometimes," she explained.

"Although they can prepare you and put stunt doubles in there, there's a certain amount that you have to do yourself. You can't get away from doing nothing."

So what was the scariest stint that she had to do herself? "I threw myself off the top of a vault onto the back of a dragon. But it meant that I was doing a sort of... I mean I had crash mats. I don't want to exaggerate, 20 or 30 foot drop. I just had to dive off into my stomach."

Emma explained, "Your body's saying, 'No,no,no!'. And you have to just do it. And the pyrotechnics. There were lots of bangs and explosions."

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