Beginning this October, the seven Harry Potter novels will be released on eBooks, and an interactive community will launch online. She hopes it will encourage more people to begin reading.
But fans were a little confused about the site on Twitter, where Rowling's initials, #JKR, quickly became a trending topic Thursday morning.
It seems that Pottermore is both a social network and the encyclopedia, an Interactive Online Experience.
While there were a few jokes about Pottermore, some really made a lot of sense given that Rowling has sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and the Harry Potter movies are the most profitable franchise of all time. Overall, the fans were excited and the jokes started as follows:
"Obama declared war against the UK because Pottermore didn't accept his email address."
"Frodo destroyed the ring because Pottermore accepted his email."
"Pottermore is actually the Matrix: users will be reborn in a world of wizardry while their body-heat powers the servers."
Celebs Factory finds Pottermore to be an amazing concept for it paves way for something to be looked forward after the release of the final installment - Deathly Hallows Part II on July 15th.
Pottermore is open to all in October. Leave your email address now and you'd be notified when the registration is open.