Amy Winehouse Dead
Alex James is very convinced that Rehab singer Amy Winehouse will be dead within two years - and would be "surprised" if she lives any longer. The bassist is worried for the star and British musician Pete Doherty, who have both had much publicized battles with drugs and alcohol. And James is insisting that he doesn’t expect the pair to live to see 2010, unless they get urgent help.He tells Britain’s Daily Mirror, "I’d be surprised if Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse both live to see the decade out. You know, it’s not funny. "I’ve been in situations where my best friends have been killing themselves (with drugs) and they won’t listen… It is scary."
Photo By: Sara De Boer/Retna
The pair first met on London's gigging scene, through mutual friends.
Russell Brand said: "When you love someone who suffers from the disease of addiction you await the phone call. There will be a phone call. The sincere hope is that the call will be from the addict themselves, telling you they've had enough, that they're ready to stop, ready to try something new. Of course though, you fear the other call, the sad nocturnal chime from a friend or relative telling you it's too late, she's gone."
Speaking about their first encounter Brand said: "When I first met her around Camden she was just some twit in a pink satin jacket shuffling round bars with mutual friends."
At the time, Russell Brand was barely out of rehab and failed to notice that they both shared an affliction, "the disease of addiction".
On hearing her sultry voice for the first time at a Paul Weller gig Brand said: "I arrived late and as I made my way to the audience through the plastic smiles and plastic cups I heard the rolling, wondrous resonance of a female vocal."
"My ears, my mouth, my heart and mind all instantly opened. Winehouse. Winehouse? Winehouse! That twerp, all eyeliner and lager dithering up Chalk Farm Road under a back-combed barnet, the lips that I'd only seen clenching a fishwife fag and dribbling curses now a portal for this holy sound."
Brand finished up his post with a plea to addicts suffering the same as Amy was.
He said: "Now Amy Winehouse is dead, like many others whose unnecessary deaths have been retrospectively romanticised, at 27 years old. Whether this tragedy was preventable or not is now irrelevant. It is not preventable today. We have lost a beautiful and talented woman to this disease."
"Not all of us know someone with the incredible talent that Amy had but we all know drunks and junkies and they all need help and the help is out there."
27-year-old British pop, soul, jazz singer, Amy Winehouse, died in her Camden Square London apartment Saturday, said police.
Authorities discovered Winehouse's body around 8 p.m. London time.
Amy's tragic death is the final chapter in her highly publicized struggle with drugs and alcohol; which she bodly sang about in her hit song, "Rehab".
Before her death, shocking videos of an extremely impaired Winhouse being booed off stage in Belgrade, Serbia, were posted on YouTube.
In 2007, Amy Winhouse and Prince shared the stage in London, as Prince played guitar and Winhouse sang "Love Is A Losing Game".
The Iconic Stevie Wonder, once compared Winehouse to a "young Etta James".
Elton John called the Beehive-hairdo-wearing-songstress with a 60s flare, one of the best performers he had ever seen.
Truthfully, I am saddened by Winhouse's death, but I am not the least bit surprised.
She was a runaway train wreck, just waiting to happen.
May she rest in peace and may her music live forever.
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Officials remove Winehouse's body from her London Apartment. Photo: Reuters. |
Amy Winehouse has found dead on her flat on this saturday.Police said Amy Winehouse was 27 years old when she was found dead.The pop jazz album of Amy Winehouse "Back to Black" was a great hit and she is well recognized for this album which own 5 Grammys award.
Police confirmed that Amy Winehouse a 27- year old female was pronounced dead on her flat at Northern London.
Born in 1983 to taxi driver Mitch Winehouse and his pharmacist wife Janis, Winehouse grew up in the north London suburbs, and was set on a showbiz career from an early age. When she was 10, she and a friend formed a rap group, Sweet 'n' Sour — Winehouse was Sour — that she later described as "the little white Jewish Salt 'n' Pepa."
Frank" was followed by a slump during which Winehouse broke up with her boyfriend, suffered a long period of writer's block and, she later said, smoked a lot of marijuana.
There is some sad news in the world of alternative music today.
Twenty-seven year-old singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment Saturday afternoon.
London police were called shortly after 4:00 PM and asked to assist a female who turned out to be Winehouse.
When police arrived they found the singer dead.
Witnesses told reporters that they suspect drugs and alcohol was the cause of death.
Police have not commented on a possible overdose.
Winehouse had cancelled the remainder of her European tour last month after appearing intoxicated on stage in Serbia Belgrade and was heckled by the audience.
Related: Amy Winehouse wasted on stage in Serbia Belgrade – Video
In 2007 the singer married musician Blake Fielder-Civil, but the couple had an increasingly violent relationship. Blake was sent to prison in 2008 on charges of obstruction of justice and they divorced in 2009.
Mitch Winehouse, her father, has not commented on her death but is currently travelling to London from New York.
R.I.P and God speed Amy.
You’re in the arms of the Angels now – may you find some comfort there.
Esta é a cantora amy winehouse, antes e depois de se envolver com drogas.
Como dizem os psicanalistas,o individuo pode ser explicado pelos fatos e acontecimentos da infância,vamos aos fatos.Amy Winehouse nasceu no subúrbio de Southgate,bairro de Londres,de uma família judia,cresceu vendo o pai maltratando sua mãe,descreve o acontecido em uma de suas canções”What it is about men”-Qual é sobre os homens,inclusive Mitchell Winehouse,casou-se com sua amante em 1996.
Amy de forte influência Jazística,lança seu primeiro cd em 2003,intitulado Frank,mas só em 2006 estoura com-black to black,sendo o disco mais vendido de 2007,recebendo 6 indicações ao Grammy de 2008,faturou 5 deles.Até o primeiro semestre de 2008 o cd já lê rendeu 10 milhões de cópias.Este fenômeno tem um nome:Amy casa de vinho,este é o nome dela traduzido para o português.
E não fica por menos, profeticamente a própria Amy já deu declarações que não passa de um ano,amigos próximos declararam que a cantora tem espírito alto destrutivo e não é de se estranhar,com um histórico de já ter tido um principio de overdose,depois de uma mistura inusitada de coquetel de heroína, cocaína, ketamina (remédio para cavalo) e álcool,ter caído no palco,brigado aos socos e tapas com fãs,etc.Em fim, a mulher é muito doida! No entanto com talento inegável e voz afiadíssima,pelo menos é o que se nota nos discos,diferente de algumas apresentações em que esta ligeiramente roca.
Da ascensão a queda assim como outros astros ao exemplo de Britney Spears e Michael Jackson seus contemporâneos,essa estranha lógica parece se repetir,seria o preço do sucesso? Discursões a parte,seria muito triste a perda de um reconhecido talento para esse algoz que é a droga.
Fonte :
Limpo meus olhos na manhã seguinte
Estou apaixonado ou foi só uma fatalidade?
Paro um segundo pra respirar
E coloco meu coração em ordem
Lá estarei e saberei
Pulo o café da manhã, chá pra dois
Não fiz planos pra depois...
Alguém pra todo mundo mas ninguém pra mim
Costantemente á procura do amor que preciso .
Estabelecer meu mundo
Ficarei sozinho até que encontre alguém
Alguém que me console .
Dias prolongados, estou em uma fase difícil
Assisitndo as inúmeras formas que minha vida
Por causa da insensatez
Isso ainda dói da mesma forma...
Faces vazias com olhares vazios
Em uma corrida de mudanças, estou perdendo a fé em
Meus passos
Tentando manter meus pés, antes que eu caia.
Sabe, estou nessa estrada interminável com nada pra ver
Uma peça fundamental de honestidade
Uma base de estabilidade e independência
Um entendimento claro e concreto.
É incrível como temos medo de tentar
Nós costumamos correr de nós mesmos.
Abandonarei o medo e a possibilidade se desilusão
Vou expor a verdade e me entregar...
Todos nós estamos sujeitos a nos desapontar
Temos que nos arrastar antes de aprender a voar
É algo invetável
Remover minha dúvida, alinhar meu coração e a minha alma rumo à felicidade..
Infelizmente é verdade, a cantora Britânica Amy Winehouse foi encontrada sem vida hoje em seu apartamento em Londres (saiba mais no portal G1). Um dos maiores talentos da música da nossa geração, sobe no telhado nos deixando como legado apenas dois, porém excelentes e premiados álbuns.
Parte aos 27 anos de idade, assim como outros grandes talentos da música que a antecederam: Kurt Kobain (Nirvana), Jim Morrison (The Doors), Jimi Hendrix e Janis Joplin, que me lembro de cabeça.
Apesar de seu estilo de vida, é inegável seu talento. E para aqueles que ainda não conhecem, fica aqui a oportunidade. Clique na imagem abaixo para baixar (via torrent) a discografia completa com todas as músicas dos dois álbuns de Amy Winehouse...
Singer Amy Winehouse was found dead at her apartment in London on Saturday, the UK Press Association reported. She was 27.
Last month, Winehouse canceled the remainder of her 12-city European concert tour. The singer had a history of battling drugs and alcohol. Winehouse recently left a British rehab program that a representative said was intended to prepare her for the European concerts.Amy Winehouse - It's My Party Lyrics :-
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
But Judy left the same time
Why was he holding her hand
When he’s supposed to be mine?
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Play all my records, keep dancing all night
But leave me alone for a while
‘Til Johnny’s dancing with me,
I’ve got no reason to smile
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
Like a queen with her king
Oh, what a birthday surprise
Judy’s wearing his ring
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
(repeat and fade out)

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It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
But Judy left the same time
Why was he holding her hand
When he’s supposed to be mine?
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Play all my records, keep dancing all night
But leave me alone for a while
‘Til Johnny’s dancing with me,
I’ve got no reason to smile
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
Like a queen with her king
Oh, what a birthday surprise
Judy’s wearing his ring
It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you
(repeat and fade out)

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