"Breaking Dawn" pics leaked online

Twihards are insatiable when it comes to finding out the latest scoop and checking out the newest photos from the upcoming Breaking Dawn movies, and Cambio recently discovered that Robert Pattinson isn’t happy about leaked photos being plastered all over the web.

While talking with MTV News, RPatzz said,

“It’s just ridiculous. I literally can’t believe that it happened. It’s raw footage: It’s not even what people are going to see. Why do this maliciously? You’re not a fan. You’re just a d**k. That’s all there is to it.

I’d understand it more if they sold the stuff. But, it’s like, ‘Oh, you just want to be annoying?’ (It’s frustrating) especially when you’ve been working on something for eight months. It’s an exciting movie, and everything is so different, and a lot of people have worked really, really hard.”

Does Rob have a point? He sees it as a truly evil thing that will take away from the movie, but I think it’s a sign that fans are starving for all the Breaking Dawn info they can find. The web went wild when the honeymoon photo popped up, and I seriously doubt anybody thought, “Oh, I’ve seen that image now so I’ll just skip the movie.”

And the fact that its raw footage should just increase the interest without decreasing the desire to see the films. Raw footage just gives an idea of what’s coming, but the completed scene with effects and lighting and music will still be something new and exciting for moviegoers.

The web has opened the door to instant access for a variety of things, including things that some people would prefer to keep under wraps, and it’s not the first time Rob has a made comment about an image released online. Is it bad to give the fans what they want or would it be better to wait until the movie comes out and let the audience see it for the first time on the big screen?

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