“My mom was actually the one who pushed me into being fit and eating healthy. She is very particular about her fitness and just before I started work, she really pushed me to look my best. I decided to do power yoga to lose the baby fat,” says Morani, who is now completely hooked to it.
“I started training with Payal Gidwani, a power yoga instructor. After that I started training with her husband Manish, and now I can easily say that I can’t do without my daily dose of yoga.”
Morani has, apparently, become so fitness conscious that she doesn’t miss her power yoga sessions even for a day. “While shooting, if my call time was eight, I would get up at six, do power yoga for an hour and then head to the sets.”
Though she does a little bit of cardio to keep herself fit, Zoa is not that keen on gymming. “I hate going to the gym and sometimes when I don’t feel like doing cardio, I run on the beach. That is a good substitute and works well for me,” she adds.
She recently joined a gym to increase her metabolism rate, but prefers running to gymming. She also follows a strict diet of eating eight to 10 small meals a day, but the one thing she cannot do without is her early morning cup of coffee. “I also munch on peanuts, soy-milk and dates when I feel hungry.”