ECO Darling . .

If there’s one thing that actress Bipasha Basu never shies or tires talking of, then it’s a noble cause. And working towards saving the environment and protecting nature is an issue that’s rather close to the sexy star’s heart. “And I think that it should be a topic close to everyone’s heart,” says the B-Town star.

“Our nature and environment are things that we so take for granted. But imagine a day without something as simple as a tree and you’ll understand what I’m talking about,” she adds. In fact, Bipasha points out that one need not even join an NGO or any organisation to do their bit towards it.

“You don’t need to be affiliated to any institution to do a good deed. All you need is the intention to do it. I think simple things like saving water, electricity, paper, planting a sapling... all of it go a long way in protecting the environment,” she says.

“Besides, I think, we also owe it to our future generations to give them a healthy environment conducive to healthy growth of mind, body and spirit,” adds Basu. “But I think that today there’s more awareness amongst youngsters as compared to their elders, which is heartening. I am sure today these kids can teach a thing or two to them too about saving environment,” she smiles.

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