Jacqueline finds Mallika very sexy

Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez, who has drawn a lot of attention in B-town after having done some steamy scenes in 'Murder 2', recently stated that she finds the original 'Murder' girl Mallika Sherawat strikingly sensuous.

“Well it has to be Mallika Sherawat. I think she’s got an amazing sensuousness about her that is just impossible to match. She is fantastically attractive too,” stated Jacqueline.

"There will be comparisons between me and Mallika" says a humble Jackie.

Jacqueline who has done some bold steamy scenes in ‘Murder 2’, knows for a fact that there would definitely be comparisons between her and actress Mallika after watching the second installment of the film.

However, Jackie makes it clear that she isn’t worried or nervous about this at all as she is quite confident about the brilliant job she has done in ‘Murder 2’.

“Yes, there are bound to be comparisons between Mallika and me. That is normal. I am acting in a sequel to a movie that she has done and, of course, she has done a wonderful job. But no, that is not making me nervous,” said the starlet.

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