Ra.one Vs Delhi Belly ?

The struggle to outdo each other between actors Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan is hotting up as both their films —Ra.One and Delhi Belly respectively — are ready to hit the box-office. Members of the film units have begun hurling accusations against each other.

The first direct missive apparently seems to have come from Anubhav Sinha, who’s the director of Shah Rukh Khan’s Ra.One. At a time when Aamir was hosting a success party for the success of his film’s song, DK Bose, Anubhav said, “I would be ashamed if my nine-year-old son sings that song… Aamir (Khan) is taking people for granted,” Anubhav reportedly said.

Ram Sampath, the music composer of the song, immediately hit back saying, “It's juvenile what Anubhav is saying. The first thing that struck me when I got to know about his comments was that it's sheer hypocrisy.He is being silly. People should get off their high horse that they are riding on and smell the coffee. This is the real world. We have created a song that the Censor Board has passed. How can somebody accuse our song like this? There is no basis,” Sampath reportedly said.

Soon after reports followed of Anubhav having defaulted on his payments by singer, Pratichee (former member of the girl-band Viva). When contacted the singer, it turned out that the singer was Sampath’s sister-in-law. “Anubhav made 50 per cent of the payment for the show (adding that she was commissioned for the project more than a year back). I decided to speak now as there are a lot of newcomers who are suffering because of people like Anubhav. I don’t think I will ever work with him,” said Pratichee, who also admitted to being the sister of singer Sona Mohapatra, Sampath’s wife.

While Shah Rukh’s camp is reportedly seething at this said to be below-the-belt attack, Aamir’s camp has released the film’s promotional song which has been directed by his wife, filmmaker Kiran Rao.

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