"Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World," would play both in 2-D and 3-D, and would be the first of the series that uses "Aromascope" that allows people to smell odors and aromas from the film via scratch & sniff cards (reminiscent of the infamous 1960s Smell-O-Vision.)
Rodriguez explained that moviegoers upon entering into the theater will be provided with a card that has eight numbers on it, This card that holds different scents interactively corresponds with the film.
"When a number flashes on the screen, Audiences are expected to scratch that particular number and smell it, and they get to smell whatever the characters in the film are smelling on screen," he said.
"There are not just sweet smells but also bad odors as the movie has a toddling baby and stinky dog — and it's all going be really fun" concluded Rodriguez.