Kristin Davis likes charitable men

Kristin Davis is attracted to men who work for charities.
The single actress is part of the Oxfam Kenya Appeal the charity’s largest ever appeal for people to help relieve the food crisis facing more than 12 million people across Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya as charity work is a very important part of her life, and something she’d like to see in a potential partner.
“You don’t get to pick where you’re born. I’ve worked hard all my life, and I’ve had a lot of luck too. We love what we do, and then we get paid a ridiculous amount for it,” Kristin said.
“I can’t speak for others lots of people in my industry do charity work privately, so it takes different forms. I personally feel it is my responsibility, but that comes from my upbringing, where both my parents did voluntary work, so I thought everyone just did.
“So I wouldn’t judge anyone for not doing charity, but I don’t know that I would date them either.”
Kristin who plays Charlotte York in Sex and the City also told how her work in Tanzania, which she recently visited to help the relief effort, helps put things like fame and celebrity in perspective.
“It’s very easy to get sucked into the intense, tabloid world and be stressed out by it, and then I get to see the reality of how so many people live, which puts it all in perspective,” she added.
“What do I care if someone doesn’t like my outfit? What do I care if my shoes are the wrong color? So it’s been super-helpful for me as a person.”

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