Rupert Grint ginger prince of Hollywood

Rupert Grint wants  to retain his role as the ginger prince of Hollywood beyond his role in the Harry Potter movies.
The 22-year-old actor says he has become an ambassador for redheads everywhere thanks to his ten years as Ron Weasley and is happy to carry on in the role. ”
I get a lot of people from the ginger community who shake my hand,” says Ron.
“It’s nice. I’ve always been a quite proud ginger. I don’t know about it in America but in England, it’s not the coolest thing, really. If you have ginger hair, you get quite an unfair hassle. And it’s nice that Ron is quite a respected ginger!”
Grint recently revealed he has a crush on Queen Elizabeth.
“I think it would have to be the queen,” Rupert said. “She is [pretty foxy]. I sat in front of her at her 80th birthday, where we were asked to perform in a play, so that was pretty cool.
“My second choice would be Juliette Lewis, because she’s really cool and in a band.”

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